Eating good and looking good is not just about losing weight, it is about being healthy and living longer!
So how can one make simple steps to feel better each and every day? Well, I will share some tips that I use to make me feel great everday!
First and foremost, hydration is key. Drinking water throughout the day and eating nutrients like fruits and vegetables (that contain water) will make you feel energized and headache free. Try starting off your morning with water and drink it throughout the day, but not too close to bed time because you do not want to be getting up in the middle of your beauty rest! Try hydrating with Herbalife hydrate. This product contains electrolytes that will allow you to hydrate anywhere you are! It is low calories and delicious!
Another way to stay healthy is consuming 100-300 calories at a time about 6 times a day (your calorie range may vary depending on how much you need). This way you never feel tired after you eat and can stay active throughout the day. Pick yummy snacks like low fat cheese, nuts, fruits or vegetables, or maybe even an herbalife shake? Herbalife has dozens of product lines to fit your needs! Ask me how you can get your hands on the awesome products.

Alright so you have nutrition down as well as hydration, feeling good huh? Do you feel you need a pick me up sometimes? Well, hopefully this is not how you always feel, but know that there is a product Herbalife offers just in case it is one of those days! Herbalife's Liftoff! will give you that burst of energy you need and is perfect for quick energy :)

Of course you have to get a good night's rest. Getting 8-9 hours is extremley important, especially when trying to help with food cravings and also making sure you keep your workout on track. If you wish to recover from your workouts with ease try Restore from Herbalife's 24 hour line.

Alright so let us review hydrate, eat right, have energy, and sleep well! Please email me with any questions at sarai.darbandi@ gmail.com. Click on the title "Tips For Feeling Great" to browse ALL of Herbalife's products. Healthy and happiness all! XoXo Ask me how to get these prodcuts!
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