Have you ever seen someone and you just thought to yourself, "Wow, they look really good". The kind of good that made you think how do I do that? Then you say to yourself "I probably have to starve myself...” WRONG!
When I think of people who look absolutley amazing, I think of Jilliam Michaels. She is beautiful and her body is amazing. She obviously takes care of her body and her mind.
People, who look fantastic, most of the time, take care of themselves. This means they are eating right and staying active because they know that these two things will keep them feeling and looking great. Not only that, but they are committed to their health and they are mentally healthy.
So today, we are talking about diets, fads, things that people do for a short periods of time and then go back to how they were living their lives before. Some popular diet you have heard of are Atkins, South Beach, the Zone diet, and there are many more. However, a diet does not necessarily mean start it for 6 months and then once all the weight is gone, go back to your old lifestyle. It just means that that your food intake consists of particular foods for most of the time.
For example, my diet consists of a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts, protein shakes, and the occasional time where I eat desert or a heavier meal. It is a realistic diet and one that I am conscious about and committed to. When I splurge I do not feel bad about it, but just get back on track. My motto is, what am I doing 85% of the time? I am eating healthy 85% of the time and other times (15%) not so much.
Something’s to remember about fad diets or short term diets is that
yes, you will lose weight quickly, but how is that solving deeper issues?
If you really do not like the weight you are at or maybe you just don't like how you feel about yourself, assess that first. Why don't you like yourself or why do you feel bad about yourself? These are questions to ask when wanting to change your lifestyle. These questions may even require therapy, which is for you to decide.
Other questions to ask yourself when assessing your lifestyle are:
Do you eat because you are bored, sad, or happy?
Do you snack in front of the TV without even giving it much thought?
Are most of your meals eaten at home or in restaurants?
How often do you eat fast food?
Do you like to cook?
How often do you grocery shop?
Do you skip breakfast or lunch, then overeat later in the day?
How big are the portions you consume?
Do you crave sweets?
Are there foods you won't give up?
These are all important things to consider when you want to change your lifestyle.
Another important point is that you are in it for the long run, meaning that this is not just a 1 month commitment, but a lifetime commitment.
So when you are creating your diet, think of it as something you are committing to the rest of your life, not just next week. Email me about how I can get you started on a weight loss commitment of a lifetime!
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