With all the products, celebrities, media, and everything else out there telling us how to be beautiful, you must be confused on what beauty actually means.
I am here to tell you beauty comes from within. Although, outward appearance helps boost your confidence, inner emotions, including your mentality are very important to consider when questioning your beauty. I know people who have lost pounds and pounds, have all the makeup they want, and all the clothing to make them "look" beautiful, but still do not feel beautiful.
Let’s talk ANTS (automatic negative thoughts). I did not make up this acronym, but whoever did is awesome. So ANTS are those things come to mind when you put on your jeans and steal a glance of yourself in the mirror. It is that negative voice inside of you saying you are not beautiful because you are focusing on the negative parts of yourself.
I am here to tell you, you are what you think you are! Let go of those negative thoughts and replace them by focusing on what you do like about yourself. Although, some days can be hard, but identifying the ANTS and moving on is a better solution instead of immersing yourself in the negative thoughts.
Positive thoughts will make you less stressed, bubblier, and people will start to feel your beauty because of that light in your eye! Remember people can feel your energy, so if there is negative then they will notice and if there is positive they will also notice this too!
So remember that besides hitting the gym, eating well, drinking water, and sleeping well, meditate on positive thinking. It may be difficult, but with time you will start to feel better in no time.
Signing off, love, peace, and Herbalife!
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