So you are shopping in the market and you come across the bread aisle. This aisle in particular can be overwhelming because you have different bread companies screaming at you, BUY ME! I HAVE MULTI-GRAIN, I HAVE VITAMINS AND MINERALS, or I HAVE FLAXSEED! I am sure you have seen these marketing concepts. Companies want you to buy their bread. As a consumer the smartest thing you can do is flip the bread over and look at the nutrition label. If you are unsure about how to read a nutrition label, click on the title!
There is a lot information out there about why white bread (bread made with bleached flour or flour that has been stripped of yummy goodness for you) is worse than wheat bread (made with whole wheat, which has protein and fiber).
If you have not figured it out yet, whole wheat has more nutrients like protein and fiber, which both make you feel fuller. In addition, whole wheat bread has more fiber, which is important for your digestive system.
After you eat a meal you want to feel satisfied right? Then eat whole wheat bread!
However, if you are allergic to wheat then try wrapping your sandwiches in lettuce. This is a way you can still enjoy the foods you love without consuming wheat. This is also a good idea if you are trying to incooperate more vegetables and less bread.
Key thing to remember here is you MUST look at the nutrition label. You are looking at the ingredients sections and looking for the first ingredient saying "whole wheat flour". If the first ingredient reads bleached enriched flour, this is not what you want! Well, at least if you’re looking for whole wheat, fill you up goodness. Also, you can double check by looking at the fiber content. Whole wheat products have at least 3 g of fiber per serving.
Lastly, do not forget that you can eat other foods including beans that are high in fiber and protein.
So next time you’re in the grocery store in the bread section, look at the nutrition label and look for whole wheat! Your body and digestive system will thank you for it :)
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